
Open AI’s ChatGPT is already available for testing in Edge and Bing, although not everyone has access to it right now. Extending the reach of the AI to Microsoft’s Office 365 products seems like a logical next step. While those who are testing the AI can already try it out on Microsoft’s web apps — such as the web version of Teams — it appears that further expansion of ChatGPT is imminent.

The Verge reports that Microsoft is getting ready to reveal its plans for its Prometheus Model “in the coming weeks.” ChatGPT has already been tested in Outlook for how well it can boost search results — a much-needed feature. The “Compose” functionality can also be used to suggest responses to emails, which seems like a much more advanced version of the predictive text in Gmail that we already know today. The AI might also find its way into Word and Excel, where Microsoft is hoping to teach it how to prepare graphs.

Microsoft’s rivalry with the Alphabet-owned Google appears to be the driving force behind these fast-paced changes. Just one day before Microsoft broke the news about advancements in its AI model, Google announced its own competitor to ChatGPT — Apprentice Bard. Both companies want to stay on top of the AI game, and that is bound to result in some exciting new launches this year.


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