
ChatGPT robot hands

Getty Images/Lionel Bonaventure/Contributor

When I was first setting up my resume, I was constantly advised that Microsoft Office was the best skill I could list. A new study shows that job applicants may want to add ChatGPT instead. 

Udemy, an online learning platform, compiled a Global Workplace Learning Index in which the company analyzes its course consumption to see what skills businesses are the most interested in. 

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The index showed that the top global tech skill for businesses in the first quarter of 2023 was ChatGPT, which experienced a 4,419% increase in global topic consumption from the fourth quarter of 2022. 

Udemy study chart


Other AI-focused skills such as Azure Machine Learning (281%) and AI art generation (239%) also saw significant increases, landing them spots within the top 10 global tech skills. 

The company compiled this data by comparing the consumption of courses in the Udemy Business collection from the fourth quarter of 2022 to the first quarter of 2023. 

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“Having a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT and other emerging AI technologies will be imperative to quickly pivot in today’s era of rapid digital transformation,” said Diego Davila, Udemy Instructor, Entrepreneur & Social Media Innovator. 

The U.S. saw an overall 5,226% increase in ChatGPT topic consumption, highlighting a growing interest businesses are showing in learning more about the topic. 


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