
While OpenAI’s chatbot shouldn’t be your go-to for medical advice, there are situations when things get desperate. One Twitter user managed to use ChatGPT to diagnose and save his dog, Sassy, after veterinarians were left scratching their heads. “Cooper” had initially taken his pup to the vet and received treatment for a tick-borne disease. After initially responding to treatment, she took a turn for the worst and the vet’s decision to keep monitoring the progressively worse symptoms wasn’t enough for Cooper. He booked an appointment with another clinic, and in the meantime, entered the dog’s blood test results and symptoms into GPT 4.

Two of the illnesses ChatGPT suggested were ruled out by other tests Sassy had received. That left just one, IMHA — which is a common complication of the tick-borne disease she was diagnosed with. When Cooper took Sassy to the next vet appointment, he asked if IMHA could be the cause of the dog’s illness. An extra set of tests showed that GPT 4 got the diagnosis correct, and Sassy was put on the correct course of treatment. It’s worth noting that GPT 3.5, ChatGPT’s basic model, wasn’t good enough to offer a correct diagnosis. But the company’s most recent release, GPT4, contributed to saving the dog’s life. It’s also important to note that, as Cooper did, you should always get a second opinion from a medical professional if you’re using ChatGPT for anything close to medical purposes. This includes using it to diagnose what’s up with your pets.


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