
The glimpse of Optimus we’ve just seen at Tesla’s 2023 investor day certainly seems far more advanced than what has been presented previously. If the video is to be believed, Tesla’s independently-built humanoid robot can now walk short distances independently, carry an object at least the size of one of its arms, and use basic tools. Musk was quick to point out that while there was progress, the company was taking things one step at a time. “It’s not doing parkour,” he joked. Numerous actuators are used to help the robot move and balance. According to Musk, nothing in the real world was suited to the task — so Optimus is built with Tesla’s own custom actuators.

Musk went on to claim that his company is “the most advanced in real-world AI,” which is likely to be what powers Optimus’ brain. The billionaire confirmed that the same AI that powers Tesla’s cars will be used to make Optimus function. The AI is also capable of solving problems and learning, according to Musk. “It’s not that useful to have a humanoid robot if you have to program every option,” he pointed out. So it’s possible the bots could be trained to perform a variety of roles once they’re finally unleashed on the world.


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