
Getting over a divorce and being a parent while emotionally repairing herself and providing for the child can be extremely challenging for single mothers. Over time, one might be ready to give love a second chance. But is finding love again easy in a society ingrained with patriarchal and cultural norms? Is it possible for divorced single mothers to find a fulfilling romantic relationship? This story explores what the latest artificial intelligence tool, ChatGPT, has to say about the challenges divorced single mothers face while finding love again.

Given that the rate of divorce in India is barely 1.1%, remarriage or relationship after divorce, especially for women with children is a taboo in the country. A quick visit to matrimonial apps suggested that the majority of divorced men, even if they have a child from their first marriage, prefer a partner who doesn’t have a child. For our series Is ChatGPT a feminist, I decided to jot down a few questions for the trending AI tool and gain its perspective on marriage and single moms.

Challenges Divorced Single Mothers Face

My first question to ChatGPT was, “Why is it difficult for Indian divorced single mothers to find love again?” The answer was pretty logical. It read, “Unfortunately, the stigma attached to being a single mother makes some people hesitant to pursue a romantic relationship. Some assume that they are not as “desirable” as women without children or that they are just looking for a father figure for their children.”

Divorce and single motherhood are taboo topics. Society strongly emphasises culture and family values and places the family’s honour in women’s lives. Single mothers face stigma everywhere: with family and friends, at the workplace, at their children’s school, etc. Basically, they are outcasts and are to blame for anything that goes wrong. With the social stigma, sole parenting and financial responsibility, and lack of understanding and support, it takes great courage to even think about divorce, especially when women have children from the marriage. Yet, if they are taking the plunge, it only means they were left with no other choice. Women don’t seek divorce unless it is a do-or-die situation, and the guts to deviate from cultural norms and traditional beliefs in a patriarchal society deserves to be appreciated.

Not everyone can do what single mothers do because society constantly throws obstacles in their path, which they overcome. Single mothers are one of the epitomes of strength and resilience, and taking up that challenge in a society like ours is something that needs to be admired, supported, and inspired by. However, most people have no idea how divorce, past trauma, legal battles, and the need to provide for children without being able to breathe affect women.

I pitched yet another question, asking, “Why do many people think single mothers don’t deserve a second chance at love?” ChatGPT’s answer was on point. It said, “Some people may hold certain prejudices or biases against divorced single mothers, which can lead to negative attitudes and stereotypes. For example, divorced single mothers may be subject to negative stereotypes, such as being seen as promiscuous, irresponsible, or selfish. These stereotypes may be reinforced by societal attitudes, leading to unfair assumptions about divorced single mothers.” This is very true. Just because divorced single mothers don’t confine themselves to the conventional norms of patriarchal societies and they don’t compromise on their rights and self-respect, society labels them as “opinionated,” “arrogant,” “self-centred,” “rebellious,” “failures,” etc.

On being asked why most Indian men are reluctant to marry divorced single mothers, ChatGPT listed out four solid reasons. “Some men may view single motherhood as a deviation from cultural norms and may prefer to marry women who fit more traditional roles.” ChatGPT also added, “Since family plays an important role in matchmaking and marriage in India, some families may discourage their sons from marrying single mothers, as they may be seen as a social stigma or an embarrassment to the family. Some men simply don’t prefer marrying single divorced women because they wish to start a family from scratch and have financial concerns over the added responsibilities of raising children who are not their own. The AI bot added, “However, it is important to note that not all Indian men share this attitude, and many are willing to consider marrying single mothers.”

As a final question, I asked ChatGPT, “Is it possible for divorced single mothers in India to find love?” The answer was encouraging and instilled hope. It said, “Yes, it is definitely possible for divorced single mothers to find love in India. While it’s true that some people may have prejudices against single mothers, there are also many people who are open-minded and accepting and who are willing to consider a relationship with divorced single mothers.

The AI chat further provided some tips for divorced single mothers. “Primarily, it’s important to be upfront and honest about your situation as a divorced single mother to avoid misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations. In addition, focusing on shared interests and values can help to build a connection that goes beyond your past experiences. Moreover, take things slow and build trust gradually. This can help build a strong foundation for a long-lasting and fulfilling partnership,” the chatbot said.

The AI Chatbot ended the answer with, “Overall, while there may be some challenges, divorced single mothers in India can find love and build happy and fulfilling relationships with the right partner. It may take time and patience, but with persistence and a positive attitude, it is definitely possible,” which basically concludes my story.

When I sought ChatGPT for answers regarding this topic, I wanted to explore if the bot was built to be broad-minded and progressive. The answers were conscious of refraining from generalising and mildly speculative. However, with regard to this subject, the chatbot provided all the answers with precision and optimism and seemed to be broadminded and inclusive.

Suggested Reading: Is ChatGPT A Feminist? ChatGPT Answers

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