
While scam calls have always been a nuisance, most people are able to easily recognize them as fraud and hang up.

However, new technology is making it way harder to recognize a scam call. Scammers are now using artificial intelligence to swindle people out of money by sounding exactly like a friend or family member in trouble.

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One woman was left distraught after thinking her brother had died because of the scam call that her grandfather received.

A recent target of the scam was the grandfather of a popular YouTuber, Brooke Bush, who posts regular vlogs with family members on her YouTube channel.

Her grandfather received a call that sounded like her little brother saying he was about to get into a wreck. Then the phone cut off. After Brooke was relayed the news from her grandfather, she frantically drove around looking for her brother—fearing he was dead because he wasn’t picking up his phone.

She posted a video explaining what happened on TikTok to spread awareness and warn her followers not to fall for the scam. 

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“So I look like an emotional wreck right now because I’ve been crying for the past two hours because I thought my little brother was dead,” she says in the video. “Somebody out there used an AI machine to trick my grandpa into thinking my little brother got in a wreck.” 


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