
Chris Langan often lays claim to the title of the smartest man alive.

He was born a self-confessed nerd. His intelligence was inborn. With an IQ between 195 to 210.

Luckily for us mere mortals, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has a technique called Modelling. It states you can replicate excellence by installing and mastering a person’s beliefs, physiology, and thought processes.

Let’s see areas we can upskill and challenge Christopher for his title.

“I’m just saying ‘yes’ to life” — Independent learner

“Taught myself advanced math, physics, philosophy, Latin and Greek, all that.”

— Chris Langan

Chris Langan wasn’t a yes-man

From an early age, Chris was bored with school. He recognized those in authoritative positions didn’t ask questions that penetrated life’s mysteries.

It satisfied teachers and those figures in power to accept what others had said before them and merely regurgitated their information.

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Chris took up the challenge early to be a household scholar.

He learned for learning’s sake, not to harvest knowledge to display it on social media for followers. He found true joy in asking questions.

What to do: Diligently study your areas of interest. Don’t allow your opinions and conclusions to be dulled by authority figures.


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