
Thanks to Microsoft’s association with OpenAI, Microsoft was able to bring conversational AI to its search engine before anyone else. Based on what we know so far, this move alone has done wonders for the platform. In the 30 days since Bing integrated conversational AI features with its search tool, it was able to breach 100 million daily active users for the first time since its inception. In addition, engagement levels on the platform were at an all-time high, with more than 1/3rd of Bing users using its conversational features on a daily basis. While things are certainly looking up for Bing, it remains to be seen if the platform can sustain these engagement levels in the long term.

Even as Bing continues to bask in the glory of undivided media attention, there is a general consensus among tech enthusiasts about the fact that Google was completely blindsided by competitors in the recent AI push. 

For a long time, Google was thought to be the world leader in developing algorithms called large language models (LLMs) — the technology that powers modern AI chatbots. However, unlike OpenAI, which went for the kill, Google hesitated to bring these powerful programs to consumers — probably because of its controversial nature — and prospective legal and ethical concerns. 

While it is still early days for chatbots and conversational AI technology in general, it would be interesting to see the long-term ramifications of Google’s delay in entering the space. That being said, Sundar Pichai did not precisely reveal how long it would take for the company to bring conversational AI capabilities to Google Search.


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